超級自然動物園是一個小型的私人動物園. 牠聽說這裡從前是一個開放自由撫摸小動物的園地, 就是家長可以帶小孩子來盡情拍摸草地上的小狗, 小羊, 小豬那種. 直到動物園的瘋狂主人Kripke有一天突發奇想, 開始引進像他一樣大型的動物和一些不適合被撫摸的, 像是老虎之類的危險的動物.
“這裡將成為一個又有趣又充滿驚嚇元素的地方, 就像是真正的大自然一樣. 所以這個動物園才叫做超級自然!” 重新開幕的時候Kripke興奮的用雙手比劃給前來採訪的記者看.
牠不太明白他們為甚麼要把一隻駝鹿和一隻老虎圈在兩個相鄰的區域. 牠們的原居地不一樣- 牠是歐洲的空齒鹿亞科的駝鹿屬駝鹿, 牠的鄰居是隻東北亞的貓科豹屬虎. 牠們的作息不一樣, 飲食不一樣, 從牠每次瞄見牠的鄰居身影時心底不由自主的那股騷動來看, 牠敢賭在大自然裡老虎是會獵殺駝鹿的. 毫無疑問的, Kripke是個瘋子. 牠只希望Kripke希望營造的所謂驚嚇元素不是來自於牠的鄰居某一天越過圍牆把牠當眾撲食.
駝鹿的生活是很辛苦的, “一隻成年駝鹿每天平均必須攝取9770大卡以維持體重.” 牠居住區域外面的大牌子上面這樣寫著. 怪不得牠老是需要不斷的咀嚼進食. 牠完全沒有辦法控制, 好嗎? 那些在牠的區域外面大聲的問 “媽媽, 那隻大動物為什麼老是在吃東西?”的小孩子最好離牠遠一點. 而且牠可是擁有全動物園最大, 最有雄性特徵的一對巨角.
“是, 是, 你的鹿角真是又大又嚇人, 每次你那樣性感的用你的大角搔背的時候我都忍不住身上下一陣麻軟呢” 圍牆另一邊傳來牠鄰居的聲音.
目前分類:J2是相愛的 (18)
- Jul 15 Fri 2011 03:16
a moose and a tiger
- Jun 16 Thu 2011 05:21
The Super-natural Zoo is a small, private, zoo. He heard that some of the fences are low because it used to be a patting zoo at one point, until Kripke the crazy manager decided to acquire huge animals, like him, or animals too dangerous to pat, like the tiger next door. "I want it to be fun and scary at the same time, just like how nature is!" Kripke told the local reporters right in front of his area, waving his arms to add extra excitement. "That's why it's called Super-natural!"
He can never quit figure out why they put a moose and a tiger in two adjacent areas. It's not like they are from the same part of the world; He's an European Alces alces when his next door neighbor is an Asian Panthera tigris. They don't eat the same food, don't have the same habits, and judging by the flinch he gets every time he sees his neighbor (not that often, mind you), he bets tigers prey on moose in nature. Once again, Kripke is crazy. He just hopes the scary element Kripke wants is not supposed to be from the tiger preying on him in front of everybody.
Life is difficult as a moose. "The average adult moose needs to consume 9770 calories a day to maintain its body weight", the sign in front of his area says. That explains why he is always hungry and spends the majority of his time eating, and chewing, and eating some more. He can't help it, Okay? Whoever laughs at his giant moose ass can go fxxk himself, besides, he's got the most giant antlers in the zoo.
"Yea, yea, your antlers are so big and scary", says a voice from the other side of the fence, "I get tingly every time you scratch your back with your antlers like that."
"You are just jealous" He replies while chewing and trying to not sound too excited. He likes it when the tiger comes closer to their bordering fence. He also tries to suppress the stirring feeling that tickles the bottom of his heart every time he sees the tiger. "He's fed and full, he's not interested in you", he tells himself every time.
- May 23 Mon 2011 09:00
@ 在打622心得之前看到這個一整個分心掉
http://the-french-mistake.tumblr.com/post/5743587482 http://twitpic.com/51lfr5
@ 一直覺得最近的Dean怪怪的眼球老是左右飄移
@ http://youtu.be/CnAGrkzm0co
4:00 Jensen好心要幫Jared拿麥
Jared習慣動作伸出手去握以後才赫然發現 [ooops, 原來你是要麥克風] XDDDDDDD
- Apr 10 Sun 2011 11:25
Jen穿白西裝跟Jay的藍襯衫很搭 ^^
雖然我愛主人但也很想啪他 手搭Jared肩上幹嘛害我無法截超登對J2圖 (怒)
2:35的畫面真是超棒把左邊1/4切掉以後完全可以當桌面 (主人我真的還是愛你的XDDD)
1:50 Misha跟Jared還正經八百的回答是兩兄弟打鬼的故事
At the center point its these two brothers, their relationship, how they deal with these emotional situations
在這部戲的中心是這兩個兄弟, 他們在面對各種情緒波折的同時如何經營他們的愛情(翻譯無誤! 我聽到的就是這樣!!)
@ http://teamj2.tumblr.com/post/4580457166/jaredpadapuppy-myspecialhell-cwhroswell
- Mar 15 Tue 2011 03:59
Paley 2011
- Jan 18 Tue 2011 02:09
SF 影友會
- Oct 12 Tue 2010 00:34
Chicon 2010
- Mar 29 Mon 2010 23:12
LA con 及時重點整理
2010 LA 影友會的影片還沒出爐 聽現場直播的人又都說耳膜被現場的尖叫聲震破
單從文字和照片看來今年現場一片歡樂 連袂出席的兩人心情好到不行
尤其是J2的氛圍已經從交往初期的甜蜜變成新婚夫夫的閃亮了 ^^
資料來源: awayofsin大人的推特整理和transcript
@Jensen似乎身體有點微恙 可憐的孩子~
Jared晚上請讓人睡覺不要太任性了! (心疼)
- Jan 19 Tue 2010 06:17
- Oct 28 Wed 2009 19:32
閒聊Jensen Ackles
- Oct 25 Sun 2009 05:56
犬貓 03
- Oct 25 Sun 2009 05:55
犬貓 02
牠的人類Eric Kripke的房子不小, 這讓Jensen白天的時候可以自由選擇在任何一個角落愜意打盹. 天氣好的時候可以在窗口曬太陽, 天氣冷的時候牠喜歡捲成一團窩在被窩裡. 如果牠想安安穩穩的不被打擾,高高的書櫃頂上是最好的選擇. 沒有誰比Jensen更珍惜寶貴的睡眠了.
“Jen, 你看, 外面有一隻小鳥!” “Jen 我今天出去跑了三圈肌肉好痠” “Jen…”
“閉嘴, 上來”
Jared乖乖的跳到沙發上趴下, 當然整座沙發跟著劇烈晃了一下. Jensen連眼睛都不用睜開的把頭湊過去用舌頭來回幫Jared順肩膀上的毛.Jared享受的閉上眼從喉嚨深處發出咕咕聲.
- Oct 25 Sun 2009 05:53
犬貓 01
牠白天的時候可以房子裡的任何一角打盹, 如果天氣好的話牠會在窗口前曬他深金色的毛髮. 有時候牠喜歡捲成一團窩在暖暖的被窩裡.一天睡16個鐘頭的生活很是愜意.
牠的人類 Eric Kripke是個合格的奴隸. 他不太干涉Jensen的自由,把食物和水放在一角讓牠自由取用. Jensen則會在Eric伏在桌前趕稿的時候坐在書房一角用自己的存在陪伴他. It's synergy.
Jensen最討厭的事是Eric有女性訪客的時候. 她們老是無視牠的意願摸牠抱牠, 像牠的身體有蜜似的.
“你看牠走路的方式多美! 牠的綠眼睛多漂亮! 喔還有牠背部的曲線!”
不是牠愛抱怨或牠不喜歡被稱讚, 但是這些人類可不可以不要老是專注於牠的外表? 牠可是這個房子裡跑的最快最會抓老鼠的獵食者, 而她們只能膚淺的盯著牠的綠眼睛看? Ladies!
- Oct 25 Sun 2009 01:08
J2 萌物
- Oct 24 Sat 2009 03:07
Vancouver 影友會心得
- Oct 24 Sat 2009 03:04
Vancouver 早餐會影片觀後心得